Saturday, July 23, 2011

In our early years ...

We, in our early years developed a way of being that we strove to maintain all through our lives as it approximated life as we know it best. It was that crucial moment we awoke to the knowing that we were alive. That supreme moment of consciousness.

Should this transcendent awakening to our  being alive, be somewhat negative and fearful, this too regardless, will be something we will strive continuously to maintain. As to maintain it is to give us life.

We will in our imaginations, dreams, and perceptions,  find situations that provide the impetus of this old beingness. We will find partners, interests, political and religious feeling that will help us feel like we have always.

Our sicknesses and conditions are there for that same reason of replicating our measure of beingness in perhaps,  that fearful, uncertain way. In fact it is sickness and injury that should all other elements fail to prompt the fear and blackness of old, come to the fore and give us as a great gift, the exact measure of that old black magic of our early years. Consciousness of life.

A sense of separateness, aloneness, desperation, hopelessness, and blackness make up strangely, the only life we knew and we mightily cling to it. It is strange that we do so, but we do, and sickness, illness and injury are powerful magnets of that old felt sensed life.

Life in whatever form, is life and the one we attempt to recreate endlessly. It is our oxygen, our sustenance, our life, and It forms the very energy of our mind so as to give us  our life that certain way, over and over. It’s the function of this thought system to provide what we ultimately want, … the continuation of who we once consciously found ourselves to be.

OF course we really don’t want the trouble and strife. It’s often painful and troublesome, yet we are compelled by it, because we want to live and feel the livingness we discovered,  way back then.

And so all the big diseases, all the world’s plagues of deep unrest, might be seen in this light. What if we changed that sense of life from what we had, to what might be more suitable today. Giving up the old, to embrace the new.   
What if we obtained a new consciousness of what it is to be alive, would we want to continue to recreate that wonderful moment of life?

When science first discovered how organic life started on Earth, a mixture of the right elements, heat, Oxygen, and electricity, they with some success, concocted  life from that recipe and new life was started from scratch. Amazing.

We who once a long time ago, awoke to our own life, also concoct  that same experiment with the same recipe of elements that existed way back in our lives. Also amazing.

 But today we may begin to understand that life can be brought forth using altogether different elements, and conditions from the ones we once knew. We can and must, make this experiment. Consciousness of a life  newly created, in a very different way, will heal us all.


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