Tuesday, March 22, 2011


2 objects coming towards each other. So?  In what way should anybody get excited about attraction. Well said but let me say that without gravity, not only would things not come together, but neither would they come apart. I should say here that this really is about Alzheimer's. It just might take me a little time getting there, so please be patient with me.

Thoughts attract thought. Eager, life affirming thought will attract more Eager, life affirming thoughts. So will thoughts on the unwanted negative side in one's life attract other unwanted negative thoughts. Just like gravity. You see? Do you see what I did there? Putting gravity and thoughts together...pure genius!

There was a program on the telly the other night on gravity, a  long winded tale that told you a lot of stuff about gravity you probably already knew and then concluded that nobody has any idea what it is. Just great!

Alzheimers is a little like that. Huge research, lots of theory, but much of it is still up for grabs. Me, I think it could be like gravity.
I can feel a theory opening up. Yes another one. IS there no end? And so...."Gravity is the physical manifesting of the law of attraction ."

So here is this idea to play around with. To mull over.  Mull. I like "Mull". Anyway Gravity is clearly about things being attracted to each other. No repulsion going on at all. Did you notice that? Perhaps you might have not instantly noticed. It's ok. Really, it is! Gravity can only attract. Interesting, no?

What if Alzheimers is gravitational? What if the process of  attracting many wrong kind of thoughts happens by the action of thinking too many wrong kinds of thoughts in the first place? What about that eh? Speak up, don't be shy!

All thought can do is attract other thought that is like itself. But you must know what I mean. Haven’t you had a run of misery thinking that just kept going and wouldn’t stop? More and more crappy thoughts bubbling up from the depths. And very often, real hard to stop. Just like gravity.

The trick is to start squeezing in some good ones and after a time, they too attract more and more good thoughts. Still as someone who does this pivoting a lot, there would seem to be an almost unending supply of misery laden thoughts that lead to...you guessed it, misery.

But, and here is the thing about Alzheimers gravitational pull, It can be stopped. Think about this. This is the clever bit if you ask me. Ready? Our legs and body have anti gravity muscles. If we didn’t we would be flattened to the floor like a pancake. But guess what? We stand...UP!

We have the innate capacity to stand up  against the pressure forces that our planet places on us, and we have the more powerful capacity to stand up against the gravitational forces of the kind of thoughts that might otherwise lead us into dementia.

Both muscles of the body and the mind keep us upright, strong and firm...when we use them. And when we do, boy we attract more muscle, more thought, more of everything eager and good.
All in all, we can have mindful ageing, a place in the sun where all is good and clean and pure, where our brains and our body are healthy, wealthy and wise. Amen to that brother yare!


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