Sunday, February 20, 2011

The ocean is big

The ocean is big. Really big. Some would say it’s huge, and you won’t get an argument from me on that account. Not that anyone has opened an ocean account. I mean why would they? Anyway the ocean  is this big wet thing. It has no borders, save the ones we put on it. You know,  the Indian one, and the Baltic, Pacific and so one. But really all just one great big moist wet watery thing. You know, the thing with all the fish.

So this water represents the oneness of life. Do you see that. All that water, currents, waves, spray and so on…all just one undivided body of water. But …and here’s the weird bit, it’s also a lot of individual waves going about their individual way, not at all acting like an ocean. And currents. Don’t get me started on currents. All of that hither and thither, being warmer and colder, strong ones and weak. And rips. Dangerous things rips. Not at all nice. And they all seem to act so dementedly and determinedly  individual…or so it seems.
And mist rising from crashing waves. Completely on their own. Amazing. Totally random man! All these separated individual bits that when you look at them and try to get meaning out of it, seems so chaotic.

There is even a thing called Chaos Theory, that goes like this. There is a pattern or a design inside chaos that moves about so seemingly random that whatever is really going on, remains hidden. Recently a computer was used to see if you could plot a seemingly chaotic movement. They used some sort of electromagnetic wave, and as you’d expect, the computer was able to do what the human eye could not. It picked up a predictable pattern. Imagine that, Chaos can be read.

Now follow me here, our life on Earth, remember that large round thing we step all over without wiping up after?  Well we see lots and lots of individual bits of life [that’s the chaos you see] and then spend lots more time attempting with some minor success to make sense of it all. That’s the way it is with waves, even the little ones. It’s really hard work, all this “what’s it all about” malarkey.

Another way to go, is to see the ocean. In it’s undivided state and not  wavy. It makes another kind of sense. Doing this, and I’m not saying that it’s easy cause it’s not. Not in our training you see. Got to train to see the Forrest and not just the trees. Moving from water now to wood, ah well.

The ocean, or Forrest…anything with a largish whole e ness,  gets to be seen in a different way. Maybe even the brain functions differently, who knows? Certainly  the old tribal people were used to seeing wholeness first, Oceananity if you will. I think I’ve just invented a new word. “Oceananity”  Break out the Champagne …pop, fizz!

Even as little as fifty years ago families in their houses, were often three generations crammed in. One big happy family a whole lot of the time. The people in the street were our extended family. Neighbors, friends, leaning over the fence having a natter. And so the wholeness spread. Maybe today there is soooo much wavy-ness, that so much activity seems chaotic, with only a few people making much sense of it.

The ocean’s wholeness provides….well everything we would ever need I guess, whereas  a focus upon the wave removes…well –ness. So I put it to you, ladies and gentlemen of earth, take your pick. Focus on the ocean, with all that lovely flowing and melding and movement and so on, or go look at a wave and forget [as we do] where it came from and must be a part of. Or if you must, check out the Forrest while noticing the trees. Could be a good thing!

1 comment:

  1. There are some training things you could try. Keeping very still and watching, listening and feeling at the ocean's waters edge. Same in a forrest, same thing sitting in a chair. Altogether you can get a sense of the "allness" of the many things, and different knoweledge too becomes clearer.
